The Conservative Wife to her Liberal Husband: A Poem by Charmaine Michelle‏
by on February 7, 2013 in Poetry Relationships

Why are we arguing ?

Why are we hurling angry words that cut so deep ?

Yes the discussion is about politics and  we both vehemently disagree, but why all the rudeness when if we disagree with others we are polite and gracious ?

It’s because we’re arguing about politics when its really about the government system of our heart.

The court of love that keeps deliberating whether or not to give into our desire.
Our finance department is counting the cost of this relationship.

This argument is just filibustering while we try to hold back exercising our veto power against a person
we know we want apart of our lives but we don’t know how to bring balance to our emotional budget.

All that pork barrel spending on superficial relationships and financing the Welfare of others is causing us a deficit to the point we cant afford something meaningful.

The war with in the sovereign borders of our mind is spilling out onto one another.We need a cease fire.

Let’s grant each other amnesty for the hurt we’ve caused. For, what’s the point of arguing about the outside world when we don’t even have peace in our own hearts ?
What’s the point of figuring out the tricks of politicians when we fail to be real to one another or ourselves.

I know you care about me and I about you so why are we arguing over meaningless things that don’t grow our love ?

We can create 20 non-profits, feed the homeless, and build fresh water wells, but we negate our power to heal when we wound the one who loves us simply for being.

You may never bring me a blanket while I lay on the street and I may never view destitution in your eyes, but it is our duty to love one another to keep the home fire warm so we can rest our weary souls after serving humanity.

See, the love in our home is the wellspring of life that we draw from to quench the thirsty of the less fortunate.

So lets not pollute it with infidelity, lies & fear. Let’s keep it connected to the Divine who is our source. Let’s turn off CSPAN, put down the Post, stop the arguing and lets go to sleep.

Let’s hold each other and dream of a world where love is supreme and justice is a way of life. Let’s dream of a world where world hunger is no more and Africa’s beauty is restored.

Let’s dream
Let’s dream
Let’s dream

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