20 years later
by on March 26, 2018 in Relationships
  1. You can not earn the love of someone, who doesn’t want to learn how to love you through consistent communication and intentional connection.
  2. The best way to move forward after a divorce is to focus on becoming a better you and creating new beautiful memories by finding a new passion.
  3. Male strippers are gnerally emotionally and relationally lazy
  4. Therapy is a lot cheaper than divorce
  5. Trust your instincts, if you feel you’re being scammed you probably are
  6. Forgiveness nor repentance  mitigates all the consequences of sin.
  7. You don’t always get what you deserve in a relationship, you get what you allow–especially women.
  8. As a Christian if you have to choose between suicide, murder or divorce choose divorce. Statistically speaking God is more likely to resurrect a divorced marriage than a dead couple.
  9. Great sex doesn’t equal a great marriage no matter what society tells you. Sex too early in a relationship, will cause people to ignore clear red flags
  10. If a woman pays for the first date, that is usually a bad sign. Pay attention to how they handle money.
  11. If one of your ex’s shows up on your honeymoon that is a bad sign
  12. Even if your marriage is destroyed that doesn’t mean you have to allow your kids to be destroyed. Get a therapist to help them navigate their feelings and deal with your own. your emotional and spiritual health is the foundation for rehabbing your soul for a better tomorrow.
  13. Support groups are vital if no one around you has experienced divorce and provide biblically sound advice.
  14. Forgive backstabbers, but continue to keep them at distance if they are unrepentant
  15. Misogyny and patriarchy are serious demons in the church. You will regret staying at church that condones abuse.
  16. 9 times out of 10, the home was already wrecked so the only home wreckers are those who own the home.
  17. Two dysfunctional people can only make a dysfunctional marriage and often produce dysfunctional childern.
  18. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. How you spend the time determines how well you heal.
  19. There is a difference between dwelling on the past and having to deal with the on-going side effects of a divorce. Everytime you fill out certain forms, meet someone new until you are remarried, watch certain movies or tv shows, go to a wedding, help friends with their relationship issues, deal with your kids, there will be reminders that your are divorced.
  20. Assemblies of God is a very practical Christian denomination when it comes to broken relationships and people. They will walk with you and give you a path to healing, not pour salt in your wounds and make you feel less than because your marriage didn’t work out.
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