Tension from the Love Unspoken by Charmaine Michelle
by on December 30, 2012 in Poetry Relationships

Once again we are arguing just as friends often do.

But this argument is different than the 20 before. This time we agree & we know it but simply cant stop.

I say your being disrespectful & you apologize.

I say your being condensending & you tell me how sincerely intelligent I am.

Your saying all the right things but I cant hear u bcuz your not saying what I want to hear.

I dont want 2 hear how much u respect me or how smart & talented I am.

I want to hear how much you love me & will never leave me.

I want to hear how you believe we can conquer all odds & create a beautiful family.

You can apologize all day long about what u said but you cant apologize for not knowing what I want, bcuz I’m too afraid to tell you.

I d rather argue until my dreams of love & passion give away to reason.

I rather keep pointing out your faults & deficiences in order 2 cool my intense desire for you.

I rather see u as a grossly flawed man instead of the divine being that can wrap me in his arms & quiet all my fears.

But you wont because for now we are just two friends arguing again.

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