Beacon Hill: A Poem
by on January 9, 2025 in Poetry

If you want to be the kind of wife who dies protecting her abusive husband

Go to Beacon Hill

If you want to be the kind of man that taunts his wife as she dies

Go to Beacon Hill

If you want your kids to be exposed to the spirit of suicide and addiction

Go to Beacon Hill

If you enjoy victim shaming and being apart of rape culture

Go to Beacon Hill

If you want your kids to do drugs with the pastor’s kids

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like your intelligence insulted

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like your pastor supporting other abusive pastors

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like leaders who don’t follow Biblical standards in their marriages

Go to Beacon Hill

If you put your family above Christ

Go to Beacon Hill

If you view marriage and power as an idol

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like to abuse your children

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like teaching that is more self-help than scriptural

Go to Beacon Hill

If you want your mental health issues to be ignored or untreated

Go to Beacon Hill

If you enjoy your hypocrisy with a warm hug and smile to make it go down easier

Go to Beacon Hill

If you are a parasitic woman who supports patriarchy in all its forms

Go to Beacon Hill

If you as a man like weak leadership that lacks integrity

Go to Beacon Hill

If you want to learn how to be a manipulative spiritually abusive leader

Go to Beacon Hill

If you like power and status more than you like truth

Go to Beacon Hill

Like a beacon on a hill is the American Church…

Ichabod has come to Beacon Hill

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