The Rise of the KKK and Black Womanhood
by on January 14, 2013 in Politics Race

At core of a every woman is a little girl who wants to be adored and appreciated.  When I see a sista sexually exploiting herself I see a diseased little girl who wasn’t loved. I see a woman who has been emotionally and spiritually disabled by the harsh blows of society and fatherly neglect.

Whats worst is the men who say they are down with the struggle and fully aware of the miseducation that has been perpetrated on our people, continue the cycle started by slave masters.

After witnessing so much abuse and mistreatment during several years of deep study of various Black Liberation Movements, the question that kept growing louder in my head  was :

How do the same black men who point fingers at the white man, seem to be the same ones who are abusing and mistreating black women  ?

This is the inconvenient truth I have had to struggle with as I sought the Lord to heal the wounds left by every type of man of the African Diaspora.

African, Caribbean and Black American, all the same hue, all sons of mother Africa, all taking turns stripping me of my dignity and scarring my humanity.

I wish in the very depth of my soul it wasn’t true. It hurts that the same lips that told me about the Willie Lynch Letter or preached “God’s Word” are the same lips that dared call me up for a booty call without any concern or caring for my overall wellbeing. I experienced and watch black lawyers, doctors, ministers and famous musicians, the very elite throw black women under the bus for the sake of fame, power and more European trinkets.

It hurts even more as I reflect on the movie “The Birth of A Nation”, which tells the story about how the KKK was created to protect white womanhood.

With each knew struggle that I face as a mother and woman I ask myself where is the organization to protect me and my daughter ?

Where are the men who are willing to put aside their selfish desires and lay down their lives to protect the most valuable thing to a liberated people ? The soul and the dignity of a woman.

Sadly I have had to accept that like men of all hues, many of the leaders of  Black Liberation Movements only thirst for power to subjugate and oppress the weak. The call of justice is just a smoke screen for unrighteous motives. There is no such thing as the noble and weak savage merely a helpless victim of imperialism. No in reality many black leaders are  just humiliated men wanting revenge, desiring to put a black face on the already existing white patriarchal oppressive system.

If a movement is to be complete and sincerely justice it must include, just and noble treatment of women by its leaders.

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